Sacha Inchi Oil Nutrition Facts & Benefits

23 Jan 2024

Sacha Inchi oil, a relatively new addition to the health and wellness scene in Singapore, is gaining popularity for its impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits. Originating from the Sacha Inchi plant, also known as Plukenetia volubilis, this plant-based oil is often compared to other popular oils like olive and coconut oil for its unique qualities. In this article, we'll explore what makes Sacha Inchi oil a must-try for those looking to enhance their health and well-being, focusing on its nutritional facts and the various health benefits it offers.


What is Sacha Inchi Oil?

Sacha Inchi oil, derived from the seeds of the Sacha Inchi plant, also known as the "Inca peanut," is a highly nutritious oil that has been part of traditional diets in South America for centuries. In recent years, it has gained attention worldwide, including in Singapore, for its exceptional health properties and versatility.

Origin and History

The Sacha Inchi plant is native to the Amazon rainforest and has been cultivated by indigenous populations in Peru and other parts of South America for thousands of years. The plant produces star-shaped seed pods, and the oil is extracted from these seeds. Historically, it was not just used for dietary purposes but also for medicinal applications by ancient cultures.

Extraction and Production

To produce Sacha Inchi oil, the seeds are first harvested and then cold-pressed. This method of extraction is crucial as it helps retain most of the nutrients without the use of chemicals or heat that can alter the oil's natural composition. The result is a pure, virgin oil that maintains its natural flavor and nutritional properties.


Sacha Inchi oil is characterized by its light, nutty flavor, which makes it pleasant to consume on its own or in various dishes. It has a rich, golden color and a smooth, non-greasy texture. This makes it not only appealing for culinary use but also for topical applications, such as in skincare.

Nutritional Value

What truly sets Sacha Inchi oil apart is its impressive nutritional content. It is exceptionally high in Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that is essential for our health but not produced by our bodies. In fact, Sacha Inchi oil contains one of the highest plant-based sources of Omega-3, making it an excellent option for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Additionally, it contains a balanced ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, further enhancing its nutritional profile.


Besides these fatty acids, Sacha Inchi oil is also a good source of antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin A. These nutrients contribute to its anti-inflammatory, heart-protective, and skin-nourishing properties.

Nutritional Profile of Sacha Inchi Oil

Understanding the nutritional profile of Sacha Inchi oil is key to appreciating its health benefits. This oil stands out for its exceptional composition of fats, vitamins, and antioxidants, making it a nutritious choice for those in Singapore and beyond.

Fatty Acid Composition

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Alpha-Linolenic Acid - ALA): Sacha Inchi oil is incredibly rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, containing about 48-50% of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). ALA is a type of essential fatty acid, meaning that our body cannot produce it on its own, and it must be obtained through diet. Omega-3s are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their role in heart and brain health.


  1. Omega-6 Fatty Acids (Linoleic Acid): This oil also contains a significant amount of Omega-6 fatty acids, approximately 36-38%. While Omega-6s are also essential, a balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 is crucial. Sacha Inchi oil provides this balance, making it a healthy choice for maintaining this critical ratio.


  1. Omega-9 Fatty Acids (Oleic Acid): Sacha Inchi oil includes about 8-10% Omega-9 fatty acids, which are monounsaturated fats. These are known for their ability to support healthy cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health.

Vitamins and Antioxidants

  1. Vitamin E (Tocopherol): Sacha Inchi oil is a good source of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals. This vitamin also plays a vital role in immune function and skin health.


  1. Vitamin A: While present in smaller amounts, Vitamin A in Sacha Inchi oil contributes to maintaining healthy skin, supporting immune function, and ensuring good vision.

Other Nutrients

  1. Protein: The seeds from which the oil is extracted are also a good source of protein, although the oil itself does not contain protein.

  2. Fiber: Sacha Inchi seeds are high in dietary fiber, beneficial for digestive health, although the oil does not contain fiber.

Absence of Harmful Fats

Importantly, Sacha Inchi oil is low in saturated fats and does not contain any trans fats, which are associated with increased risk of chronic diseases.

Caloric Content

Like other oils, Sacha Inchi oil is calorie-dense, with about 120 calories per tablespoon. However, its rich nutrient profile means that even small amounts can provide significant health benefits.

Allergenic Potential

For those with allergies, it's important to note that Sacha Inchi oil is a seed oil, and while uncommon, some individuals may have sensitivities. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider if you have known allergies or are introducing a new food into your diet.

Health Benefits of Sacha Inchi Oil

The health benefits of Sacha Inchi oil are vast, making it a valuable addition to the diet of Singaporeans who are increasingly health-conscious. This oil's unique composition offers several advantages for overall wellness.

Cardiovascular Health

  1. Cholesterol Management: Sacha Inchi oil is effective in balancing cholesterol levels. The high Omega-3 content helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while increasing HDL (good cholesterol), promoting a healthier heart.


  1. Blood Pressure Regulation: Regular intake of Sacha Inchi oil can also aid in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to help reduce arterial inflammation, improving blood flow and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Skin and Hair Care

  1. Skin Hydration and Elasticity: The vitamins and fatty acids in Sacha Inchi oil nourish the skin deeply, promoting hydration and elasticity. This can lead to a reduction in the signs of aging and a healthier skin complexion.


  1. Hair Nourishment: Applying Sacha Inchi oil to hair can strengthen and add shine. Its nutrient-rich profile helps in maintaining a healthy scalp and may contribute to stronger, healthier hair.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

  1. Joint Health: Sacha Inchi oil's anti-inflammatory properties make it beneficial for individuals with joint pain or conditions like arthritis. Regular consumption can help reduce pain and improve joint mobility.


  1. General Inflammation Reduction: The oil's Omega-3 content can help in reducing overall bodily inflammation, which is often linked to various chronic diseases.

Weight Management

  1. Metabolism Boost: Sacha Inchi oil can aid in weight management by boosting metabolism. The presence of healthy fats helps the body burn calories more efficiently.


  1. Appetite Regulation: Its rich and satisfying nature can help in controlling appetite, reducing the likelihood of overeating and aiding in weight loss efforts.

Mental Health and Cognitive Function

  1. Brain Health: Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain health. They play a role in enhancing memory, focus, and overall cognitive functions.


  1. Mood Regulation: Regular consumption of Sacha Inchi oil can also have a positive impact on mental health. Omega-3s are known to help in mood regulation and may alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Digestive Health

While the oil itself does not contain fiber, its anti-inflammatory properties can contribute to a healthier digestive system, reducing the risk of inflammation-related gut issues.

Pregnancy and Development

Sacha Inchi oil can be beneficial during pregnancy, providing essential Omega-3 fatty acids that are crucial for fetal brain development. However, pregnant women should always consult with their healthcare provider before making any significant dietary changes.

Antioxidant Benefits

The antioxidants in Sacha Inchi oil, primarily Vitamin E, protect the body from oxidative stress and free radicals, which can lead to chronic diseases and aging.


Culinary Uses of Sacha Inchi Oil

Sacha Inchi oil's unique flavor and nutritional profile make it a versatile and healthy addition to various cuisines, including Singapore's diverse food culture. Here are some specific ways to incorporate this nutritious oil into everyday cooking and dining:

Salad Dressings and Dips

  1. Creating Nutrient-rich Dressings: Sacha Inchi oil's nutty and slightly earthy flavor can enhance the taste of salad dressings. It pairs well with ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, herbs, and spices, creating dressings that are not only flavorful but also packed with essential fatty acids.

  1. Healthy Dips: For a healthier alternative to traditional dips, mix Sacha Inchi oil with Greek yogurt, garlic, and herbs to create dips for fresh vegetables, pita bread, or crackers.

Cooking and Stir-Frying

  1. Light Sautéing: Although Sacha Inchi oil is not suitable for high-heat cooking, it can be used for light sautéing over low to medium heat. It's perfect for gently cooking vegetables or tofu, enhancing their flavors without overwhelming them.


  1. Stir-Frying: For quick stir-fries, Sacha Inchi oil can add a nutritious twist. It works well with a variety of vegetables and lean meats, complementing the natural flavors of the ingredients.

Enhancing Finished Dishes

  1. Drizzling Over Cooked Foods: Drizzling a small amount of Sacha Inchi oil over cooked dishes like steamed fish, grilled chicken, or roasted vegetables can boost both their nutritional value and taste.


  1. Topping for Soups and Stews: A few drops of Sacha Inchi oil on soups or stews before serving can add a rich, nutty flavor and make these dishes more satisfying and healthful.

Baking and Desserts

  1. Healthy Baking Substitute: Sacha Inchi oil can be a healthy substitute for other fats in baking. Use it in recipes for muffins, cakes, and bread to add a nutritious element.


  1. Dessert Preparation: Incorporate Sacha Inchi oil into dessert recipes, like in the preparation of nutty-flavored cookies or as a topping for fruit salads, for an added health benefit.


Smoothies and Beverages

  1. Nutrient Boost in Smoothies: Adding a teaspoon of Sacha Inchi oil to smoothies can significantly enhance their Omega-3 content. It blends well with fruits, vegetables, and yogurt, providing a creamy texture and a boost of nutrients.

  1. Innovative Cocktails: For an innovative twist, bartenders can use Sacha Inchi oil to create unique cocktails, adding a healthful element to their creations.

Dietary Supplements

  1. Direct Consumption: Given its health benefits, Sacha Inchi oil can be consumed directly in small quantities, like a dietary supplement. Just a teaspoon a day can be beneficial.

Comparisons with Other Oils

Understanding how Sacha Inchi oil stacks up against other popular oils can help Singaporeans make informed choices about which oils to include in their diets. Here’s a detailed comparison with some commonly used oils:

Olive Oil

  1. Fatty Acid Profile: Olive oil is renowned for its high content of monounsaturated fats (Omega-9), particularly oleic acid. While Sacha Inchi oil also contains Omega-9, it surpasses olive oil in its Omega-3 content, specifically Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA).


  1. Cooking Use: Olive oil is versatile and can be used for sautéing, frying, and dressings. Sacha Inchi oil, however, is not suitable for high-heat cooking but is excellent for dressings and light sautéing.


  1. Flavor: Olive oil varies in flavor from fruity to peppery, depending on its type and origin. Sacha Inchi oil has a distinctive nutty taste, which can be a unique addition to various dishes.


  1. Health Benefits: Both oils are heart-healthy choices, but Sacha Inchi oil's higher Omega-3 content offers additional anti-inflammatory benefits.

Coconut Oil

  1. Fat Composition: Coconut oil is high in saturated fats, which can be a concern for heart health if consumed in large quantities. Sacha Inchi oil, on the other hand, is low in saturated fats and high in unsaturated fats, making it a heart-healthier option.


  1. Heat Stability: Coconut oil can withstand higher cooking temperatures than Sacha Inchi oil, making it suitable for frying and high-heat cooking.


  1. Taste and Aroma: Coconut oil imparts a distinct tropical flavor and aroma, which may not be suitable for all dishes. Sacha Inchi oil has a milder, nutty flavor that is more adaptable in various recipes.

Sunflower Oil

  1. Omega Fatty Acids: Sunflower oil is rich in Omega-6 fatty acids but lacks the Omega-3 content that Sacha Inchi oil provides. A high Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio can contribute to inflammation.


  1. Cooking Suitability: Sunflower oil is a common choice for frying due to its high smoke point. Sacha Inchi oil is better used at low temperatures or added to dishes after cooking.


  1. Vitamin E Content: Both oils are good sources of Vitamin E, although the type and amount can vary.

Flaxseed Oil

  1. Omega-3 Content: Like Sacha Inchi oil, flaxseed oil is also high in ALA (Omega-3). However, Sacha Inchi oil generally has a more favorable Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio.


  1. Usage: Neither flaxseed nor Sacha Inchi oil is recommended for high-heat cooking. Both are best used in cold dishes or added to foods after cooking.


  1. Flavor: Flaxseed oil has a slightly bitter taste, whereas Sacha Inchi oil has a milder, nutty flavor, which might be more palatable to some.

Potential Side Effects and Considerations of Sacha Inchi Oil

While Sacha Inchi oil is a nutrient-rich and generally safe addition to most diets, it's important to be aware of potential side effects and considerations. This awareness ensures that individuals in Singapore can enjoy the benefits of this oil while minimizing any risks.

Allergic Reactions



Gastrointestinal Effects


Blood Thinning Effect

Impact on Blood Sugar Levels

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Interaction with Other Medications

Dosage and Moderation


Environmental and Ethical Aspects of Sacha Inchi Oil

The growing interest in Sacha Inchi oil not only stems from its health benefits but also from its environmental and ethical impacts. Understanding these aspects is crucial, particularly for consumers in Singapore who are increasingly conscious of the sustainability and ethical sourcing of their food products.

Environmental Sustainability



Ethical Farming and Fair Trade


Transparency and Traceability


Reducing Dependence on Less Sustainable Oils


As we have explored, Sacha Inchi oil presents itself as a remarkable superfood, rich in essential nutrients and offering a multitude of health benefits. Its high content of Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids, along with vitamins and antioxidants, make it a standout choice for anyone looking to enrich their diet with a healthy, natural oil.


For Singaporeans, who are increasingly health-conscious and looking for ways to integrate nutritious yet delicious options into their meals, Sacha Inchi oil is a perfect fit. Its versatility in the kitchen, being suitable for salad dressings, light cooking, and as a finishing oil, allows it to easily blend into the diverse culinary landscape of Singapore.


Additionally, the environmental and ethical aspects of Sacha Inchi oil production cannot be overstated. In an era where sustainability and ethical sourcing are of paramount importance, this oil checks all the right boxes. By choosing Sacha Inchi oil, consumers in Singapore are not only making a healthy choice for themselves but also a responsible one for the planet.


However, it’s important to remember that while Sacha Inchi oil is beneficial, it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. As with any food product, potential allergies and interactions with medications should be considered, and consulting with a healthcare provider is advisable for those with specific health concerns.


In conclusion, Sacha Inchi oil emerges as a nutritious, versatile, and ethically produced option, aligning well with the health goals and values of Singaporeans. Its integration into daily diets can contribute positively to overall health, supporting heart health, reducing inflammation, enhancing skin and hair health, and offering a source of essential fatty acids rarely found in such balance in other food sources. Sacha Inchi oil is indeed a golden elixir, bridging the gap between nutrition and taste, and between ethical consumption and environmental responsibility.



Sacha Inchi oil, a relatively new addition to the health and wellness scene in Singapore, is gaining popularity for its impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits. Originating from the Sacha Inchi plant, also known as Plukenetia volubilis, this plant-based oil is often compared to other popular oils like olive and coconut oil for its unique qualities. In this article, we'll explore what makes Sacha Inchi oil a must-try for those looking to enhance their health and well-being, focusing on its nutritional facts and the various health benefits it offers.


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