How to Incorporate More Fibre Into Your Diet

10 Aug 2023

Fibre plays a pivotal role in promoting good health and preventing diseases. Yet, studies show that the average Singaporean’s dietary fibre intake is still below the recommended level. This article aims to provide practical tips to enhance your fibre consumption in the vibrant city-state of Singapore, helping you tap into its myriad benefits.

The Significance of Fibre in Your Diet

Dietary fibre, often deemed the "roughage" of our diet, is a crucial part of a balanced nutritional plan. It aids in improving digestive health, managing weight, promoting heart health, and preventing diabetes.

For adults, the recommended fibre intake is about 20 to 30 grams per day. However, in the fast-paced lifestyle of Singapore, reaching these dietary benchmarks can sometimes be challenging. Understanding your fibre sources can help rectify this.

Understanding Dietary Fibre Sources

Fibre is classified into two types: soluble, which dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance aiding in lowering glucose and cholesterol levels, and insoluble, which promotes movement in the digestive system and adds bulk to the stool. Foods rich in fibre include grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. As Singapore is a melting pot of cultures, these can be found in both local and international cuisines.

Practical Ways to Increase Fibre Intake

Let's explore how we can incorporate high-fibre foods into our meals.

  1. Breakfast Ideas: Start your day with whole grain bread or a bowl of high-fibre cereal. Local dishes like thosai and whole grain versions of roti prata are also rich in fibre.

  1. Lunch and Dinner Ideas: Opt for brown rice over white rice when enjoying your favourite chicken rice or nasi lemak. Include more vegetables in your diet - dishes like chap chye or gado-gado are excellent options.

  1. Snack Ideas: Munch on nuts, seeds, or fruits like guava, which are fibre powerhouses.


When dining out, make conscious choices. Local hawker centres and food courts offer a variety of dishes where you can choose high-fibre alternatives. Opt for dishes like yong tau foo, where you can select an assortment of fibre-rich vegetables. At restaurants, choose dishes with more vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Increasing fibre in your diet doesn't have to compromise taste. It's about making smart swaps - like choosing whole grains, adding more vegetables to your meals, or snacking on fruits and nuts.


When shopping, look at the labels for fibre content. A good rule of thumb is to pick foods that contain at least 3 grams of fibre per serving. Foods that are high in fibre typically list dietary fibre, soluble fibre, or insoluble fibre in the nutrition facts panel.


Fibre supplements available in the market such as Fibre Clenz by Ancestral Nutritions contain psyllium husk and wheatgrass powder which can be an easy way to boost your fibre intake. Psyllium husk is a form of soluble fibre that can help manage cholesterol levels, while wheatgrass powder provides insoluble fibre and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

When introducing these supplements to your diet, it's essential to start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage to allow your body to adjust.


Introducing high-fibre foods into children's diets is important too. Encourage them to eat fruits as snacks and include more vegetables in their meals.

Delicious and Easy High-Fibre Recipes

Let's get creative with some high-fibre recipes. Start your day with a high-fibre smoothie, blending fruits, greens, and a spoon of wheatgrass powder. Add a twist to local dishes by incorporating more fibre. For example, prepare a high-fibre version of your favourite laksa by adding more vegetables and using whole grain noodles.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While increasing your fibre intake is beneficial, it's essential to do it gradually to prevent side effects like bloating, cramps, or gas.


Furthermore, don't fall for common misconceptions about fibre. Fibre isn't just for those needing to correct constipation or those seeking weight loss. It's vital for overall health and prevention of chronic diseases.



The advantages of fibre in your diet are immense. Incorporating more fibre doesn't require drastic changes to your lifestyle or giving up your favourite foods. Simple swaps, conscious choices, and a dash of creativity can help you reach the recommended fibre intake for a healthier life in Singapore.


Fibre plays a pivotal role in promoting good health and preventing diseases. Yet, studies show that the average Singaporean’s dietary fibre intake is still below the recommended level. This article aims to provide practical tips to enhance your fibre consumption in the vibrant city-state of Singapore, helping you tap into its myriad benefits.


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