Best Vegetables to Eat to Increase Fibre Intake

21 Sep 2023


Fibre, a pivotal aspect of a balanced diet, often doesn't get as much attention as it truly deserves. Especially in the busy urban lives of Singaporeans, it can sometimes take a backseat, often supplemented by a "wellness supplement" or a "fibre supplement." But, did you know that the best source of fibre comes directly from the food we eat? This article dives deep into the world of vegetables, showcasing the best options to naturally amplify your fibre intake.


Singapore’s Culinary Landscape

Singapore's culinary scene, a bustling blend of tastes and cultures, is a delight for the taste buds. But as more and more people rely on quick fixes to meet their nutritional needs, the importance of including high-fibre vegetables in daily meals is ever pressing. From supporting digestion to playing a role in disease prevention, fibre is the unsung hero of wellness.

Understanding Dietary Fibre

Dietary fibre refers to the plant-based carbohydrates that, unlike other carbs, are not digested in the small intestine. Instead, they reach the large intestine or colon. These can be broadly classified into:

  1. Soluble fibre: It dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance that can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

  2. Insoluble fibre: This type benefits your digestive health by bulking up stools and ensuring regular bowel movements.

The Role of Fibre in Health

For Singaporeans who are increasingly health-conscious, understanding the role of fibre is crucial.

  1. Digestive health: Say goodbye to constipation and irregularities. Fibre ensures smooth digestion and regular bowel movements.

  2. Cholesterol management: Dietary fibre has proven effects on reducing LDL cholesterol, supporting heart health.

  3. Weight management: High fibre content in meals can make one feel full, reducing overall calorie intake.

  4. Blood sugar control: Fibre, particularly soluble, can help in stabilising blood sugar levels, essential for those with diabetes.

  5. Reduced risk of certain diseases: Regular intake can curb the risks of specific cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Best Vegetables High in Fibre

  1. Broccoli: This green vegetable is not only high in fibre but also rich in vitamin C and K. Whether stir-fried or in a salad, it’s a must-add to a Singaporean diet.

  2. Brussels Sprouts: Another green veggie, Brussels sprouts, when roasted or grilled, can be a delicious addition to meals.

  3. Carrots: Eaten raw in salads or cooked in curries, the soluble and insoluble fibres in carrots make it a versatile choice.

  4. Peas: A staple in many dishes, peas provide both types of fibre, enhancing any meal’s nutritional profile.

  5. Spinach: More than just fibre, spinach offers iron, magnesium, and vitamins. Perfect for a stir-fry or soup.

  6. Sweet Potatoes: A balanced source of fibre and excellent for roasting or making fries.

  7. Kale: Popular in salads and smoothies, kale is dense in nutrients and fibre.

  8. Artichokes: Though not native, they can be found in select stores in Singapore. Rich in fibre, they’re worth the occasional indulgence.

  9. Eggplant: Great for grilling or in a curry, its unique texture and fibre content make it a must-try.

  10. Green Beans: A common sight in many local dishes, these are versatile and rich in fibre.

Tips for Increasing Fibre Intake Through Vegetables


Singaporeans love their food. Here’s how to make it even healthier:


While natural sources of fibre are beneficial, a wellness supplement or fibre supplement can offer a targeted and convenient solution for modern lifestyles. For those finding it challenging to meet their daily fibre requirements through diet alone, combining the power of whole foods with quality wellness supplements can provide a comprehensive approach to optimal health.


For the bustling community of Singapore, health and wellness have never been more critical. Incorporating these vegetables into your diet is an assured step towards a fibre-rich lifestyle, eliminating the sole dependence on any wellness supplement. Embrace the natural goodness and ensure that your health and well-being remain paramount.



Fibre, a pivotal aspect of a balanced diet, often doesn't get as much attention as it truly deserves. Especially in the busy urban lives of Singaporeans, it can sometimes take a backseat, often supplemented by a "wellness supplement" or a "fibre supplement." But, did you know that the best source of fibre comes directly from the food we eat? This article dives deep into the world of vegetables, showcasing the best options to naturally amplify your fibre intake.


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